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Natural Environment Training Techniques Offer Great Outcomes for Children with Autism

July 15, 2024
girl sweeping a floor during a natural environment training session

Natural Environment Training (NET) is an ABA therapy approach that focuses on teaching children with autism in their natural, everyday settings rather than in structured, clinical environments. This method leverages the child’s natural interests and routines to create meaningful learning opportunities that can be easily generalized to real-life situations. By integrating learning into daily activities, NET helps children with autism develop essential skills in a more organic and engaging manner.

What is Natural Environment Training?

Natural Environment Training involves using a child’s natural surroundings to teach and reinforce skills. Norfolk Autism Center has sensory friendly indoor and outdoor spaces to accommodate this type of therapy. Instead of relying on contrived tasks and artificial settings, NET incorporates learning opportunities into the child’s regular activities and interactions. This approach is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and emphasizes the importance of context and motivation in learning.

Benefits of Natural Environment Training

Generalization of Skills

Fact: Learning in natural settings helps children apply skills across various contexts and situations.
Benefit: Skills learned in a natural environment are more likely to be used in everyday life, leading to greater independence.

Increased Motivation and Engagement

Fact: Children are more motivated to learn when activities are based on their interests and everyday experiences.
Benefit: Higher engagement leads to more effective learning and retention of skills.

Real-Life Relevance

Fact: NET focuses on practical skills that are directly applicable to your child’s daily life.
Benefit: This approach helps children develop abilities that are immediately useful, such as communication, social interaction, and self-care.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Fact: NET can be easily adapted to different settings, activities, and routines.
Benefit: This flexibility allows for continuous learning opportunities throughout the day, regardless of location.

Implement Natural Environment Training Techniques Across a Variety of Environments

Identify Natural Learning Opportunities

Tip: Observe your child’s daily routines and interests to identify potential learning moments.
Example: If your child enjoys playing with blocks, use this activity to teach colors, counting, and turn-taking.

Incorporate Learning into Daily Routines

Tip: Embed teaching moments into everyday activities such as mealtime, bath time, and playtime.
Example: During mealtime, practice requesting food items, using utensils, and following simple instructions.

Use Natural Reinforcements

Tip: Reinforce desired behaviors with natural consequences and rewards that are meaningful to the child.
Example: If your child correctly asks for a toy, immediately provide the toy as a reward. This reinforces the communication skill in a relevant context.

Follow the Child’s Lead

Tip: Let your child’s interests and choices guide the learning activities.
Example: If your child shows interest in a particular book, use it as a tool to teach language skills, such as naming objects, describing pictures, and answering questions.

Model and Prompt Desired Behaviors

Tip: Demonstrate the desired behavior and provide prompts or cues to help your child succeed.
Example: If you want to teach your child how to greet others, model the greeting yourself and gently prompt your child to do the same when appropriate.

Provide Immediate and Specific Feedback

Tip: Give immediate, specific feedback to reinforce learning and correct errors.
Example: If your child correctly identifies a color during play, immediately praise them and repeat the color to reinforce the learning.

Here Are Some Practical Examples of NET in Action

Grocery Shopping – Use shopping trips to practice labeling items, following directions, and social interactions with store employees.

Playground Activities – Encourage social skills by prompting your child to take turns, share equipment, and engage in cooperative play with peers.

Household Chores – Teach responsibility and following instructions by involving your child in age-appropriate chores, such as sorting laundry, setting the table, or watering plants.

Storytime – Use reading sessions to develop language skills by asking questions about the story, describing pictures, and discussing characters’ emotions.

Outdoor Exploration – Enhance sensory experiences and observational skills by exploring nature together, identifying plants and animals, and discussing the environment.

Norfolk Autism Center Empowers Your Child Through Everyday Learning with NET

Natural Environment Training techniques offer a powerful and flexible approach to teaching children with autism essential skills in a meaningful and engaging way. By embedding learning opportunities into everyday activities and routines, NET helps children generalize skills to real-life situations, increases motivation and engagement, and promotes independence. As parents, you can harness the power of natural settings to support your child’s development and well-being.

Ready to Get Started?

Norfolk Autism Center believes every child with autism deserves the best treatment possible. We are here to provide the most comprehensive and compassionate care for your child and look forward to working with your family. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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We believe in the power of early intervention and personalized care to make a positive difference in the lives of children with ASD. Call today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future for your child and family.

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