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Discrete Trial Training

Discrete Trial Training is One of Our Specialized Approaches in Autism Therapy

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is another of the ground-breaking autism therapy options Norfolk Autism Center employs to help guide your child’s development. This powerful tool allows our therapists to show your child how to navigate challenging problems or situations. DTT is a proven method of improving outcomes.

Discrete Trial Training is a highly effective form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) breaks down complex tasks and activities into smaller, more manageable parts, making it easier for your child to learn new skills. It is particularly beneficial for children with autism that struggle with generalization and may have a difficult time translating skills learned in center to their home life.

boy using shapes and colors during DDT therapy as an autism therapy

How does DTT work?

DTT is characterized by its structured format, individualized instruction, step-by-step approach, repetitive practice, clear prompts and cues, immediate feedback, systematic reinforcement, data collection and analysis, and focus on generalization and maintenance of skills. These features make DTT an effective evidence-based intervention for teaching new skills and behaviors to children with ASD and other developmental challenges.

Take a closer look at the features of Discrete Trial Training as an Autism Therapy:

Structured Format

Our DTT sessions are highly structured and organized, with clear beginnings and ending points for each trial. This provides predictability and consistency, which are essential for children with ASD.

Individualized Instruction

Our board-certified therapists adapt strategies and techniques to meet the unique needs of your child.

Breaks Tasks Into Small Steps

Therapists break complex skills and behaviors down into smaller, more manageable steps. Each part of the process is taught in isolation with a focus on mastering that one step before moving on to the next part. This prevents your child from becoming overwhelmed at the enormity of the skill or behavior being addressed.

Repetitive Practice

A key component of DTT is the repeated practice of the skill or behavior over and over. This gives your child lots of opportunities for positive reinforcement and feedback to enhance the learning of new skills.

Clear Prompts and Cues

Our therapists use clear prompts and cues to signal the desired response and guide your child’s behavior. We may prompt verbally, with visual cues, or modeling depending on your child’s needs and behaviors.

Immediate Feedback

Feedback is provided immediately following each trial, reinforcing correct responses, and correcting errors as needed. Immediate feedback helps learners understand expectations and adjust their behavior accordingly.

Data Collection and Analysis

A key component of DTT is data collection. Our therapists systematically record responses, progress, and outcomes so we track performance, monitor progress over time and make data-driven decisions about changes to the treatment plan.

Benefits of Discrete Trial Training in Autism Therapy

The outcomes of Discrete Trial Training (DTT) for a child with autism can vary based on individual factors such as the child’s specific needs, developmental level, and the consistency of intervention. While it’s essential to recognize that each child progresses at their own pace, the following are some potential positive outcomes that families may observe after implementing DTT:

Skill Acquisition

One of the primary goals of DTT in the treatment of kids with autism is skill acquisition. Children generally demonstrate improvements in communication, social interaction, self-help skills, and academic abilities with regular therapy sessions.

Increased Independence

DTT often focuses on promoting independence by breaking down tasks into manageable steps. As a result, children gain greater autonomy and exhibit increased independence in daily activities. This also boosts self-esteem and confidence.

Behavioral Improvements

Positive changes in behavior, like reducing challenging behaviors or getting your child to exhibit more adaptive and positive behaviors, are likely. DTT aims to address and modify behaviors through targeted interventions.

Enhanced Communication

For children with communication challenges, DTT often includes language and communication goals. Positive outcomes may include improved verbal or nonverbal communication skills, leading to enhanced social interactions and better relationship development for you and your child.

Increased Social Engagement

DTT frequently incorporates social skills training, which can result in improved social engagement, better understanding of social cues, and better relationships with peers and family members.

Behavioral Adaptability

As a child progresses through DTT, they may develop greater flexibility and adaptability in responding to various situations and stimuli. This can contribute to improved problem-solving and coping skills and sets them up for greater success once they become school-age and are faced with new challenges.

Positive Impact on Family Dynamics

The positive changes in the child’s behavior and skills will have a ripple effect, positively influencing your family dynamics. Improved communication and reduced stress contribute to a more supportive and harmonious family environment.

At Norfolk Autism Center, we understand that optimal outcomes stem from a comprehensive approach integrating diverse interventions and therapies tailored to your child’s specific requirements. That is why we personalize treatment plans for every child under our care. Continuous collaboration among our therapists, along with the inclusion of additional resources such as speech therapists and occupational therapists, and active involvement of families, is essential to achieve the best results.

Ready to get started today?

At Norfolk Autism Center, we are committed to supporting you and your child on this journey, offering evidence-based interventions like DTT to empower your child’s to reach their full potential and foster a brighter future. Give us a call today to learn more about how DDT can be an important part of your child’s journey towards growth and independence.


Contact Us Today

We believe in the power of early intervention and personalized care to make a positive difference in the lives of children with ASD. Call today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future for your child and family.

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